May 8, 2010

Hello All---We are now about 180 miles north of Bellingham Wa. where we left on Tuesday. Each day is a relatively short day of about 40 miles. Today we did 60+ miles. Keep in mind our average speed is 8 or less, so 40 miles is 5 hours. How many of you could stand going this SLOW!? We have been traveling the east side of Vancouver Island and were in a city of about 32,000 people called Campbell River last night. This city is often referred to as the salmon fishing capital of the world. The weather, for this area is quite good. We have not had any significant wind ( a bad thing in the boating world) and have had warm temperatures in the low 60's. Upon leaving Campbell River today we have left any real civilization. There is one more city of about 8,000 people about 60 miles north of here, and then nothing more until Alaska. So, we will travel about 500 miles with almost no civilization present. The desolation and beauty of the area is spectacular. When we reach the north end of Vancouver Island we will have about a 60 mile open ocean passage around an area called Cape Caution. This can be very rough so has to be crossed with a very careful eye on the weather. It could be downright dangerous. Once around there we will be traveling what is called the inside passage which is quite protected waters most of the way to Alaska. That is about all for now, as we don't have any new pictures to share.

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